Aid to the Scriptures – Apostolic Source Book
The Bible is God’s gift to mankind. The King James Version of the Bible has 66 Books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. In these 66 books there are l,189 chapters, 31,100 verses and 777,133 words. The Bible compared to an Encyclopedia, and some Medical, and Science books, would be rather small. Yet, these 66 books have shaped Nations and Kingdoms and brought hope to the hopeless, strength to the failing, healing to the sick, direction to the lost, and a help in time of need.
Just a few of the subjects covered.
• Many of the Promises
• Apostolic Teaching by Topics
• Historic and Biblical events.
• Addendum of the Bible
• Calendar of Jewish Events and Dates
• Money Values
• Tables of Weights and Measurements
• Parables of the Old Testament and New Testament
• and Much Much more.
I have had the great privilege of Elder Vaughn Morton at Truth Tabernacle buy hundreds of the “Aid To The Scriptures” over the years for his New Converts.