Jerry R. Ensey was born in a one-room log cabin near Hugo, Oklahoma, in 1938. He was converted and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost in August 1955 in Vernon, Texas. He began preaching the following January, and from 1957 through 1960 he evangelized in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. He married Roffie Oliver on April 12, 1960, and she traveled with him for the rest of that year. In January of 1961 they moved to Greensboro, NC to plant a new church. They would eventually have one son, Randy, and a daughter, Deborah.

J. R. Ensey has served in several administrative positions in the UPCI, including Coordinator of the Evangelism Commission, the General Home Missions Secretary, founding editor of the Forward magazine, and Public Relations Director. He was vice-president of Texas Bible College for two years and president for fourteen years. He and his wife did ministerial training for the Texas District for thirty years. He also pastored churches in Texarkana, AR and Wichita Falls, TX. He has ministered extensively outside North America, including Argentina, Italy, Central America, and Ethiopia. Participating in an archaeological dig on Mount Ebal in Israel, at the site of Joshua’s altar, is a personal highlight. He earned his Th.B at Texas Bible College and has been awarded two other non-traditional degrees. He has authored twenty-five books.

He is still active in teaching the Full Life Bible Class at Living Way Church in Conroe, Texas, and ministering in various venues. In 2021, he and Roffie celebrated sixty-one years of marriage.

Jerry & Roffie Ensey

Select To Review

The New Cyclopedic Theological Dictionary (eBook)

Apostolic Ministerial Studies
Level I / Level II

"Before You Say I Do"

Faith in the Furnace

The Perils of Pluralism

Through The Storm

The Role of the Shepherdess

El Papel de la Pastora

Adorning the Doctrine Spanish (eBook)

Adorning the Doctrine Paper Back

Better Than The Angels

In The Presence of His Glory

Scriptures for Counseling and Witnessing

Does God Really Care...?


A Hill To Die On

People in Proverbs

Evidential Tongues (eBook)

Letters From A Roman Jail (eBook)

Life is Too Short To Spend With A Kicking Cow (eBook)

The Best of E. L. Holley (eBook)

The Book We Call the Bible (eBook)

Searching The Scriptures: Merging Truth, Texts and Translations (eBook)

Ready to Ship

The New Cyclopedic Theological Dictionary (eBook)

Jerry R. Ensey

Compiled and written by J. R. Ensey
The reference volume based on the biblical, apostolic viewpoint! When you want to know the meaning of a theological term, or the description of a religious movement, or the definition of over a thousand words that are found in reference works and the Bible…turn to The New Cyclopedic Theological Dictionary!

This volume contains:
– Over 1000 entries
– Definitions and descriptions of many Bible words, theological terms, and religious movements
– 486 pages of easy-to-read, easy-to-use information
– The only reference volume of its kind! Written from a conservative, Apostolic viewpoint, this classic work has enhanced the study habits of thousands of ministers and laymen.

“This dictionary is far more than a word study; it is replete with the background and history of many doctrinal positions and teachings. It also serves as a standard for testing the validity of different theories—an invaluable tool!” -Dr. Marvin Treece


Apostolic Ministerial Studies Level I / Level II

Jerry R. Ensey

Level I

The Word Handlers I
Conquering the Enemies of the Ministry
From Moses to King James
Managing Ministerial Finances
Taking the Pressure Off Your Marriage
Life in the Fishbowl
Leadership in the Local Church I
Gods Ministry Gifts
Making Full Proof of Your Ministry
Standards of Christian Conduct
The Ministry and Morality
Social Ethics

Level II

The Word Handlers II
Shutting the Backdoor of the Church
Ministerial Ethics
The Christian Counselor
A Page From Paul’s Ministers Manual
Requirements For the Priesthood
Maturing In the Ministry
Feeding the Flock
Leadership in the Local Church II
Pursuing the Will Of God

Shoulders For A Prophets Mantle
The Gifts of the Spirit

“The 21st century Apostolic preacher faces challenges every day that past generations of preachers could have never imagined. We need all the resources and tools possible to equip us for this time. Ever since Brother Ensey told me he was working on a new study course for preachers a few years ago, I have been anxiously waiting to see the finished product. After having a chance to review the course I have not been disappointed. The experience from decades of hands-on ministry and years of training ministers have been distilled into a very user friendly manual. This is a must for every young minister and for ministers that are involved in training others for service. Thank you, Brother Ensey, for another great resource to strengthen the ministry.” –Pastor Gary Howard

Also digitally available in PDFs



Ready to Ship

"Before You Say I Do"

Jerry R. Ensey

No one in your church should get married before asking themselves these twenty-five very important questions. This book has helped countless couples circumvent potential trouble areas in their courtship and marriage. A wedding planner and other extras are included in the book.


Faith in the Furnace

Jerry R. Ensey

When pain racks the body, or death is staring you in the face, you need answers, not just questions. Here are some down-to-earth, no-nonsense approaches to life when you are in the furnace of physical affliction. No hype, just biblical truth focusing on divine healing. Easy to read and understand.


The Perils of Pluralism

Jerry R. Ensey

The pluralistic trends changing the landscape of Christianity can also involve Apostolics. This book explores the parallels of pluralism in the world and in the church. The Oneness Pentecostal movement is being pressured toward ecumenism. Here are the positions that will help us overcome the temptation to surrender to that spirit.


Through The Storm

Roffie Ensey

When a surgeon says he is going to perform brain surgery to remove a large tumor, then spells out the potential results, what goes through one’s mind? It is easy at a time like this to think that God has forgotten your address. However, when you find yourself in the middle of a storm you can rest assured that He has not forgotten you, nor will he leave you to go through it alone. He has promised never to leave us alone and He will remain faithful.

Storms are a fact of life. We all go through them at one time or another, but there is peace in the midst of the storm when Jesus is walking with you. If you or someone you know is going through a storm, this book is designed to strengthen and encourage.

Here is the full story of one who went through such a storm, along with perspectives from her family—even before and after pictures. This story, along with the lessons learned through it, will help you to look back and remember the faithfulness of God in your own life.


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The Role of the Shepherdess

Roffie Ensey

You will laugh and cry as you read through these inspirational pages. You’ll experience the highs and lows with the author as she takes you through the valleys and over the mountains of ministerial life. Roffie Ensey has participated in all aspects and facets of ministry discussed in the book – the wife of an evangelist, a home missionary, a missions administrator, a pastor, associate pastor (to their son), and Bible college president. It is written from the perspective of someone who has been there.


El Papel de la Pastora

Roffie Ensey

Reir y llorar cuando lea estas hojas ue le inspiraran. Experimentar los altos y bajos con la autora mientras ella camine por las valles y los montes de la vida espiritual. Roffie Ensey ha participado en todos los aspectos y las facetas del ministerio discutidos en el libro–la esposa del evangelista, el levantar de iglesias nuevas, administrador de misiones, pastor, pastor asociado (a su hijo) y presidente de un Colegio Biblico. Esta escrito de la perspectiva de alguien que ha estado alli.


Adorning the Doctrine Paper Back

J. R. Ensey

This book deals with the relationship of doctrine with spirituality, doctrine and the Book of Acts, doctrine and “three mentions,” and curbing the influx of false doctrine. For truth seekers only.


Adorning the Doctrine Spanish (eBook)

J. R. Ensey

This book deals with the relationship of doctrine with spirituality, doctrine and the Book of Acts, doctrine and “three mentions,” and curbing the influx of false doctrine. For truth seekers only.


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Better Than The Angels

E. L. Holley

Here are the late E. L. Holley’s own teaching notes on the Book of Hebrews. His unique insight will provide a perspective that will shed new light on difficult passages. The material is clear, candid, and convincing. It has been winnowed so that the reader receives only the whole kernel, the heart of the matter and the real meaning that the author wanted to convey. The power of brevity is at work in these lines.
E. L. Holley was respected for his communication skills, his grasp of the Scriptures, and his insight into human nature that few have possessed. You will enjoy sitting at his feet and learning as he opens up the mysteries of Hebrews.



In The Presence of His Glory

E. L. Holley

The inimitable E. L. Holley presents a verse-by-verse commentary on the General Epistles as taught in the classrooms at Texas Bible College.


Scriptures for Counseling and Witnessing

J. R. Ensey

Every minister and layman needs a quick, handy resource for those witnessing and counseling opportunities that can pop up anytime. This booklet can be easily carried in the purse or pocket or kept handy on the desk. Pastor, if you put this booklet in the hands of your members, it will serve as a constant reminder to share the Word with someone who needs salvation, spiritual help, or just “a word from the Lord.” Topics are listed in alphabetical order. Hundreds of references with scripture location and the thrust of the passage. “A very present help in the time of need.”


Does God Really Care...?

J. R. Ensey

This is actually two booklets in one (a flip book), presenting a Christian perspective of I Corinthians 11 and Deuteronomy 22:5. Perhaps no passages of biblical literature have been so attacked by modern change agents as these two. There must be a reason why! Inexpensive enough to give a copy to every family in your congregation.


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J. R. Ensey

Some younger men have called for reasons that specific holiness standards appear in the UPCI Manual. They were not around when the issues were debated and passed in conferences. It is easier in today’s cultural climate to give up the fight than to take the time to find out why Apostolic Pentecostals believe what we do. Here are 224 pages of some common sense, Word-based answers for our Apostolic positions.

• Why do Apostolics embrace the Bible as the Word of God?

• Why do Apostolics teach monotheism?

• Why do Apostolics receive the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues?

• Why do Apostolics disengage from a worldly lifestyle?

• Why do Apostolics abandon or avoid harmful personal practices?

• Why do Apostolics choose modest apparel and shun ornamental jewelry?

• Why do Apostolic ladies refrain from cutting their hair and wearing cosmetics?

• Why do Apostolics live with a blessed hope?

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander” (I Peter 3:15,16).


A Hill To Die On

J. R. Ensey

Is truth worth dying for? If so, which truth? Which doctrine? This book suggests that there are some things worth risking our reputations, our resources, and perhaps our lives for. Six months ago we would never have thought we would be where we are today as a nation. The Christian faith is rapidly being dismembered and deconstructed to make way for Islam. The rush of endtime prophecy fulfillment should stiffen the backbone of every Christian and make us realize there will be a price to pay for our faith. The nine chapters include:

– A Hill To Die On

– Truth in an Age of Deception

– Unity in an Age of Division

– Righteousness in an Age of Hedonism

– The Church in an Age of Spirituality

– Absolutes in an Age of Relativism

– God and Government

– Is American Christianity Returning to the Social Gospel?

– Our Finest Hour


A Hill To Die On

J. R. Ensey

Is truth worth dying for? If so, which truth? Which doctrine? This book suggests that there are some things worth risking our reputations, our resources, and perhaps our lives for. Six months ago we would never have thought we would be where we are today as a nation. The Christian faith is rapidly being dismembered and deconstructed to make way for Islam. The rush of endtime prophecy fulfillment should stiffen the backbone of every Christian and make us realize there will be a price to pay for our faith. The nine chapters include:

– A Hill To Die On

– Truth in an Age of Deception

– Unity in an Age of Division

– Righteousness in an Age of Hedonism

– The Church in an Age of Spirituality

– Absolutes in an Age of Relativism

– God and Government

– Is American Christianity Returning to the Social Gospel?

– Our Finest Hour


People in Proverbs

J. R. Ensey

Solomon and others share their wisdom about nineteen different people in the Book of Proverbs. From the Man of Understanding to the Stupid Man, from the Busy Woman to the Contentious Woman, from the Generous Man to the Offended Man and thirteen others, we deal with their traits, both good and bad. These lessons can serve as sermons, Bible lessons or just personal devotional reading.


Ready to Ship

Evidential Tongues (eBook)

J. R. Ensey

Here is some vital research on a doctrine and practice we hold as foundational—speaking in tongues when one receives the Holy Spirit.

The fact that many in the classical Pentecostal movement have ceased to stress this aspect of the new birth experience has disturbed us. It behooves us to occasionally take a harder look at our fundamental doctrines—not to try to disprove them but to make sure that the girders of truth are still bearing the load of centuries of attacks. To shore up our principle doctrines for each new generation is imperative.

The book walks through the Acts of the Apostles to verify the consistency of the doctrine in the early church. But what happened to it after the first century? Research was done to highlight glossolalia (speaking in tongues) throughout the Dark Ages, into the Reformation period, during the development of various Protestant denominations, and on to Topeka and Azusa St. How it became a tenet of faith in the burgeoning Pentecostal movement is covered. Current views climax the study.

Here’s a historical odyssey that will strengthen your faith.


Letters From A Roman Jail (eBook)

J. R. Ensey

Some of the most beautiful and truly meaningful words that flowed from the pen of Paul are found in his letters written while incarcerated in Rome. Prepared for the churches in Ephesus, Colosse, Philippi, and a personal to Philemon, they graphically display the triumph of the pen over the sword. Nero’s sword took Paul’s head, but Paul’s pen took Nero’s empire! The topical format permits not just word study and exposition, but teaching ideas and application. This is a good book for new converts who enjoy studying the Word. Also good for Bible classes in Christian schools.


Life is Too Short To Spend With A Kicking Cow (eBook)

J. R. Ensey

Kicking cows deserve to be taken to the slaughterhouse! Life is too short even when we are not being kicked, but when our time here is harassed by anger, drugs, unwarranted guilt, apathy, doubt, and other hangers-on—baggage we need to get rid of quickly. Our spiritual life suffers when the sins of the spirit are not dealt with properly. Here are a dozen chapters that deal with some of life’s “kicking cows.” Is there one in your life?


Searching The Scriptures: Merging Truth, Texts and Translations
Available in Paperback or (eBook)

J. R. Ensey

A number of years ago, I embarked on a journey to learn more about the actual text of the Bible. I wanted to know how it came to us in the present form. The research took me to libraries (both here and abroad), the Internet, discussions with textual scholars, and the perusal of many books (a weariness of the flesh), and earnest prayer. I wanted to know the truth.

This largely polemic volume takes on the shallow claim of those who insist that only one 400-year old English translation—done with pre-set biased rules, few resources, by men who did not fully understand the New Testament was written in Koine rather than classical Greek—should be viewed as “the only Bible.” Finding truth behind the manuscripts, the texts and translations is a worthy objective that will build your faith in the Scriptures, not destroy it.

Searching the Scriptures: Merging Truth, Texts and Translations is the result of that effort. It puts the early English Bibles, including the KJV, in perspective where they can be evaluated with contemporary translations by the sciences of papyrology, textual analysis, and linguistics. No doctrines are lost in the process and none are created in Searching the Scriptures.

If you have questions about the ancient manuscripts, the Greek texts, the differences in the Textus Receptus, the Majority Text, the Critical Text, or the translations available today, you will find some help here. What about the words or phrases in some translations that are not there in the medieval versions or vice versa? You will find the answers in this book.

Includes charts, comparisons of Bible translations, and other addenda that you will find helpful in the study of the Scriptures.

Apostolics, of all people, have no need to fear truth. To do so casts a shadow of doubt on the Holy Scriptures. The more one learns about the Bible, the more it is respected and trusted.

$14.99 (eBook)

$19.95 (Paperback)

Ready to Ship

The Best of E. L. Holley

480 Pages

Compiled by
J. R. Ensey

E. L. Holley was a man of unique abilities. An astute observer of human nature, he could communicate truth in an inimitable style that you could never forget. His ministry touched the lives of thousands of people over the years. Here are dozens of some of the best articles he left with us.


The Best of E. L. Holley (eBook)

Compiled by
J. R. Ensey

E. L. Holley was a man of unique abilities. An astute observer of human nature, he could communicate truth in an inimitable style that you could never forget. His ministry touched the lives of thousands of people over the years. Here are dozens of some of the best articles he left with us.


The Book We Call the Bible (eBook)

Compiled by
J. R. Ensey

Pentecostal theologian Talmadge French has said:
“Here we are treated to a probing, yet readable, analysis of things pertaining to the formation and transmission of the biblical text. The implications of these discussions are far-reaching, worthy of our most sincere scrutiny, and of interest and relevance to all who love the Word of God. J. R. Ensey has rendered all of us a great service in addressing, in such a detailed and clear manner, the issues relevant to the matters of biblical authority, the text and translation.” – From The Foreword

The time has come for us to objectively take a closer look at the Book that informs us of the origins of the universe, the history of man, the cause of suffering in the world, and the path to restoration, redemption, and eternal life. No other book contains this authoritative history and information. No other book can justifiably claim divine inspiration and inerrancy. The section on Why You Can Trust the Bible is worth the price of the book.
